Archiv des Autors: ofr

Käse und Brot

Statt Kochen: frisches Brot vom Hofpfister, außen eine knusprige Kruste, innen saftig, aber trotzdem fest. Dazu verschiedene Käse: Roquefort, Vacherin, ein Käseknödelchen aus Munsterkäse und ein Stück Schafscamembert (Brebichon). Wenn der Vacherin zu kalt ist, kann sich der Geschmack nicht … Weiterlesen

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Salmon and Black Rice

Salmon, black rice and a very nice and simple white wine sauce. The recipe is from the Teubner Handbuch Saucen but it’s pretty basic stuff. The point is to fry shallots in butter some minutes then deglaze with Noilly Prat. … Weiterlesen

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Chicken Galore

This time I am not going to cook myself but get some ready-made chicken. Yesterday the Oktoberfest in Munich has started and today we headed there for lunch. So after ingesting one mass of beer from the wooden cask at … Weiterlesen

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Gai Yaang – Thai Grilled Chicken

This time am going to prepare a Thai grilled chicken (Gai Yaang). It’s essential to use coriander root for the marinade/paste. Other ingredients vary, I was using lots of garlic, fish sauce, sugar, pepper, a pinch of salt and a … Weiterlesen

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Black Bean Burrito

One of the best things actually are the refried beans. After soaking the beans overnight I cook them about one hour.  In a pan I fried onions until brown (for more taste) adding some garlic, oregano and cumin. I started … Weiterlesen

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